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The religiously unaffiliated demographic includes those who do not identify with any particular religion, atheists, and agnostics, although many in the demographic still have various religious beliefs. Four religions- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism-account for over 77% of the world's population, and 92% of the world either follows one of those four religions or identifies as nonreligious, meaning that the remaining 9,000+ faiths account for only 8% of the population combined. There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide, though nearly all of them have regionally based, relatively small followings. Traditionally, both faith and reason have been considered sources of religious beliefs. Religions may contain symbolic tales that may attempt to explain the origin of life, the universe, and other phenomena some followers believe these to be true stories. Religions have sacred histories and narratives, which may be preserved in sacred texts, symbols and holy places, that primarily aim to give life meaning. Religious practices may include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of deities or saints), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, matrimonial and funerary services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, and/or public service.

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Different religions may or may not contain various elements ranging from the divine, sacredness, faith, and a supernatural being or beings. Religion is a range of social- cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements -although there is no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.

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Religious symbols: Christianity, Islam, Isese, Hinduism, Judaism, Baha'i, Eckankar, Buddhism, Jainism, Wicca, Unitarian Universalism, Sikhism, Taoism, Thelema, Tenrikyo, Shinto

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